
Showing posts with the label free audio plug-ins

Sample Science Free Sample Packs & Plug-ins

Sample Science Free Sample Packs, Plug-ins and More High Quality Sampling is no easy business. It's not easy to craft a great sample set. It often involves painfully long hours in uncomfortable positions recording and trimming and processing dozens, hundreds, and often thousands of individual digital sound clips. Getting artful performance qualities out of thousands of digital audio clips certainly does involve a lot of science. Sample Science is the alias/nickname/handle as well as the company and website name of one such amazing, diligent practitioner of this labor of love. Yes, you have to be in love with sampling to produce anywhere near the volume of the body of work produced by Sample Science. And for the volume of freebies and donation-ware (pay what you want) this fine person has made available to our music making community, imho, he should change his name rightly to "Saint Sample Science". Good community is hard to come by, and in his many forms, Sample Science...