Free Sample Packs Here


Friendly Greetings and the FreeSound Repo!

Hi, I'm Glenn Moses. I'm a producer, engineer, singer, songwriter, synthesist, sound designer, gear hoarder, and I'm the founder of the 131 Records indie record label in New York. It was one of the first digital-only record labels in labels in existence. I founded it because I got tired of seeing CDs end up in landfills. That's a whole nother rant...

I've been in the music business since the 1980's. I grew up making computer music before it was fashionable. MIDI and I have been making music for about the same amount of time. I've worked with comedy, Progressive Rock, Rock and Roll, New Wave, The Blues, and I was at the very forefront of Jam Rock and 90's psychedelic.

I've done album design, seen many records from inception to release, and watched the entire distribution process change from a thing for seasoned professionals and pros to a thing kids at home do for fun,and I love it. I was doing it on my own 20 years before you were, all by myself, before it was fashionable. At least 4 or 5 of the first 100 bands on the internet got there because I put them there.

I've seen Public Address systems go from needing box trucks and roadies to being a powerful system that one person can carry into a club in a single trip. And I've seen computer music midi piano roll sequencers evolve into 8-bit samplers that can talk and onward and upward until now you can load a low-end laptop with entirely software that can let you make any sounds you can dream of while you sit in a cafeteria stuffing your fat face with carbs and coffee, the food of all good art.

I literally just started this blog, because every day I send my friends important production content. Every day, I send my besties links to very useful sample packs, audio plug-ins, articles, archives, synthesizer reviews, music history, and anything and everything that we find important to our music-making lives. And every day we say "Man, these are really great finds. You should be blogging this.

So, I welcome you to my inner circle of music-friends! I'm not going to sell you anything here. In fact I am hopefully going to enable you to have your first hit record, made in your kitchen, which is nachally the very best room in any home for cooking up sounds :)

I won't do reviews here, and I'll try to contain my ranting super-powers. The idea for this blog is that whenever I send an email to a friend with a cool link I've found, I'm going to share it with you here. Get it? Got it? Good!

And The First Links

Let's kick off things with one of my favorite user-based sound repositories, The Free Sound Project! The Free Sound Project is a public library full of user-contributed sounds of every kind. Users can upload single sounds, and also they can group them into packs. You'll find one-shots there, as well as sampled real Instruments, environments, impulse-responses, whatever you can think of that you can record, real or synthetic,chances are that someone has uploaded it at the Free Sound Project. Anyone can preview sounds, but the site requires a simple registration to download sound files, and though use of the site is free, there are Donate buttons on site to help support this worthy cause.

Check out The Free Sound Project at their memorable URL...

Be sure to read their FAQ!

Learn about some various licenses attached to sounds that people post there. Always respect the site and and respect the creators who let you use the content they create! Now go make some music that turns industries and societies on their ears.

//Glenesis: Out!


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